Exclusive Interview With The Boothologist About How Boothster Is Redesigning The Exhibit Industry October 04 2018
In an exclusive recent interview for Sustainable Brands, the Boothologist sat down to answer some questions about the wasteful tradeshow industry and how Boothster is working to redesign it. As we have written before, The exhibit industry is one of the most wasteful on the planet. Just take a look at the end of most conferences and trade shows, and you’ll see floors and dumpsters filled with plastics, banners, janky aluminum and other non-sustainable materials. In direct response to the rampant waste of the tradeshow industry, since 2007 the Boothologist has been leading the way with innovative and sustainable tradeshow booth designs and construction.
In this interview the Boothologist talks about part of what separates Boothster from all the other tradeshow booth design companies out there is our use of ecofriendly, reusable and recylable booth design materials. In this interview the Boothologist explains how different types of materials can make a tradeshow booth environmentally friendly but also significantly help save money on shipping and storage costs!
The Boothologist was proud to work with Sustainable Brands on the custom tradeshow stage design that was used in the recent Sustainable Brands show in Vancouver, WA! It was at this show where the Boothologist was connected with ECOR who went on to collaborate with Boothster on the new “Notched Card Booth Design System”!
To read Sustainable Brands’ entire interview with the Boothologist click here.
To learn more about how Boothster can help your company or organization with ecofriendly and sustainable tradeshow booth design, give us a call or fill out our contact form here!